Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Soda and risk of type 2 diabetes in young adults

The Study
In this study, 4,719 men and women aged 18-30 had their soda consumption measured repeatedly and were followed for 30 years. By the end of the follow-up period, 680 of the subjects developed type 2 diabetes. Each daily serving of soda sweetened with sugar was associated with a statistically significant 6% higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Diet soda was not associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes in these subjects. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2019;110:733-41.

Take Home Message
It is a really good idea to strictly limit sugar sweetened beverage consumption. Even a single portion per day was associated with a significant increase in risk of type 2 diabetes in this investigation. While diet soda was not associated with diabetes risk, you don’t want to simply substitute diet soda for regular soda, there are much better choices. While an occasional diet soda is fine, focus your beverage choices on water, naturally flavored club soda or decaf coffee or tea.

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