Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Pistachio nuts and DNA oxidation

The Study
Forty-nine prediabetic subjects ate a healthy diet for 4 months and then ate the same diet but added 2 ounces of pistachio nuts each day for another four months. After the pistachio nut diet, subjects had a significant reduction in the oxidation of their DNA. The pistachio nut intervention also had a positive impact on gene expression of telomeres. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2019; 109:1738-45.

Take Home Message
Telomere attrition is a natural process that is recognized as one of the hallmarks of aging. Nuts have long been associated with improved health in the research literature. In particular, they have been shown to reduce risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and all-cause mortality. This study uncovers some of the potential mechanisms by which nuts improve our health. A reduction in DNA oxidation and the shortening of telomeres are two processes associated with aging and illness. In this study, pistachio nut consumption had a positive impact on both. I always recommend a serving or two of nuts each day for my clients.

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