Life On The Triad is a meal plan and recipe companion to the Weight Loss Triad. Dr. Halton teamed up with his sister, Diana Halton, a graduate of New York City’s prestigious Institute of Culinary Education on this project. Life On The Triad includes a 28 day meal plan, 28 recipes ranging from quick and easy to gourmet, as well as chapters on eating out, traveling, sugar free living, and a shoppers guide to keep you on track no matter what life throws your way!
Maximize Your Health presents the top 10 research proven strategies to reduce your risk of chronic disease. In the past 30 years, thousands of studies have been published examining the association between our lifestyle choices and our health. Sadly, the vast majority of Americans do not even know that this body of research exists. In Maximize Your Health, Dr. Halton breaks down this research into the 10 most important modifiable strategies to reduce your risk of chronic disease.

When armed with the knowledge of how the human body stores and releases excess energy, lasting weight loss is attainable. The Weight Loss Triad, based on Dr. Halton’s 5 years of research at Harvard University’s Department of Nutrition, presents a comprehensive weight loss strategy broken down into 3 key areas: Diet, Cardiovascular Exercise, and Resistance Training.