Saturday, September 14, 2024

How Variety And Portion Size Can Influence Food Consumption

The Study

In this interesting crossover trial, 42 women ate a lunch once per week for 4 weeks that varied in 2 properties:

Low Variety: Consisting of 3 bowls of their favorite dish.

High Variety: Consisting of 3 different main dishes.

Small Portion: 450 grams

Large Portion: 600 grams

The results were interesting:

-When women ate the high variety lunch, they consumed significantly more food (15 more grams per meal).

-When women ate the large portion size lunch, they also consumed a significantly higher amount of food (57 more grams per meal).

Take Home Message

If you are trying to cut calories, don’t include too many kinds of food in your meals. Keep it simple.

It is also a good idea to serve yourself a reasonable portion in your kitchen and bring it out to your table rather than having a huge serving dish right in front of you.

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